The site of the proposed Astro Turf Pitch is adjacent to the Colaiste Treasa Sports Hall , below Edel Quin Place, beside Highfield Crescent & St. Thresas Place.
The entrance to the pitch will be the same road entrance as the Colaiste Treasa Sports Hall but instead of turning you go straight up the laneway.
This laneway will be widened & resurfaced to facillitate 2 way traffic with the exit veerining exiting traffic away from St. Treasas housing estate.
time has been used by local clubs to play games and train for a lot of years
Just Click On The Link To View Site Location,-8.8990627,166m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=3,-8.8990627,166m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=3
In the more recent times it was being used by Colaiste Treasa to train their teams. The school were also about to develop the pitch for their own use before the Kanturk Community Astro Turf Pitch Committee stepped in & started the process of developing the Community Astro Turf.
The site is also close to the Kanturk GAA pitch & not that far away from Kanturk Soccer & Rugby pitches. All of these clubs have very strong club bases with big underage structures which puts a lot of stress on their existing playing & training fields which leads to the need for an all-weather playing pitch.
The site is also close to the Kanturk GAA pitch & not that far away from Kanturk Soccer & Rugby pitches. All of these clubs have very strong club bases with big underage structures which puts a lot of stress on their existing playing & training fields which leads to the need for an all-weather playing pitch.
What is planned is to have a Kanturk Community Astro Turf Pitch which will accommodate GAA, Soccer & Rugby and other sports or activities that are deemed suitable to be played or take part on the pitch.
The facility will be available to all sports clubs both from Kanturk and the wider Duhallow locality.
The pitch schedule will incorporate that it will be used by all of the local schools during School Hours during the School Terms.
The Astro Pitch will have to close at 9.30pm following Cork County Council Guidelines.
The facility will be open for the 7 days of the week.
The Astro Turf will also be made available to Community Groups for use for any suitable activities.
There will a specific Astro Turf Car Park right beside the pitch.
The lane way up to the Astro Turf to the site will be widened & resurfaced according to Cork County Council Planning Guidelines.
There will be a Walkway open to the public going all the way around the pitch. This walkway will have lighting along the way to facilitate its use on winter nights.
The dimensions of the Astro Turf Pitch will be 116 metres by 76 metres which allow the playing of Rugby, GAA and Soccer matches.
The complex will also be used by all the Clubs & Schools for training in all sports.
The Astro Turf will also be available to groups from the general public for recreational games as the schedule will allow.
There will be an Online Booking System for any Clubs or Groups to book on.
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